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As I sat and used my Chopra app to help guide me into a peaceful state, I decided to click on the first meditation link that spoke to me, sometimes we can feel undecided, scrolling for ages. But today it felt clear.

I love when a practice brings you what you most need to hear.

For some of you reading this, being fluid, chilled out, letting go might be second nature. For me, this is where the work lies. How I hold on, want to know the outcomes, the answers. Am I doing things right, will this work, what will happen this year?

But the beautiful fluid vision I was guided through during this meditation, still ripples through my rather frazzled full moon mind today. So, I thought I’d share it with you my ponderings that sprung to mind.

You lie on a floating device, a bit of driftwood, a rubber ring, hell, an inflatable unicorn! Something that floats and feels secure…. As you enter the water and lift onto the float, do you push off and go into the centre of the river, be moved by the swell, the ebb and flow… or do you tentatively push off from the sandy bank, but reach out for branches, over hanging vines. There is no right answer, but perhaps, an invitation to let go, what if you closed your eyes, felt the warm sun on your face and let the river move you to where you need to be. It might not be a clear course, but it is your course. Perhaps you get snagged on a branch, or a large log is in the centre of the estuary. But this is true of life, it is a trusting in yourself that you have the courage and resources to face the challenges, to pull yourself from the bramble, climb over the fallen tree, when we hold on, we have lost out faith perhaps. In others. In ourselves. And maybe, as I reflect, the last two years has exacerbated this. What we thought was safe. Became not so.

Take a moment to close your eyes, breathe deeply and see yourself by this river and how you would approach the journey down the moving water.

This week, I will be talking about Prasru in class.

On Tuesday during our meditation and Nidra, we will let the water element flow through us, wash away fear, heavy energy, bring the support of the water to cleanse, clear and nurture us.

During Saturday’s practice, we will move our bodies through some somatic movement and moments of strength and stillness, to reflect (oop, didn’t see that one coming!) the many changing qualities of water and how we can embody it.

On Sunday, we have our special online practice. I know it can feel tricky showing up online, but these deeply restful classes, will help support you through the winter and continue to move you forwards on your journey of healing, light, joy and love.

Sending love,

Josephine x

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