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So, I've been a bit quiet recently, because I've been a little overwhelmed. I never know how much to share. They say authenticity is the highest vibration out there. Measuring a room full of thousands of people, apparently, this is what they found.

Running this business is a blessing most of the time. I get to meet wonderful people, and bring movement and sound to hundreds of souls each year. I love witnessing the joy, laughter, growth and peace that falls upon the bodies and faces of my clients.

I also know how fortunate I am to be doing something I love.

However, it's not talked about much, as the world of advertising and social media doesn't always allow much space for truth, but the wellness industry is a little bit all over the shop. Recently, I've been speaking to many small business owners, and they share how things are rather unpredictable. Often there's a pattern and arc to the year, the tide coming in and going out. Learning to trust this can be hard. However, the last few years, the 'arc' has been more of a mad squiggly line, with not many natural patterns emerging.

I realised, this year, that I am sacrificing myself for my work. I have been self-employed for the whole of my adult life. I have always lived on my own. I do not have a second income. Or a partner to call on for financial support. This isn't a sob story, it's just the truth. But as I get older, I feel my mental health can't quite weather the madness that comes with the fluctuating unknown.

The last few years, the business has grown, we are doing really well, things are sold out, retreats are booked, people are showing up, and everyone needs some wellness in a world that is feeling more and more troubled.

SO, rather than giving up the ghost, and walking away from my Echo Yoga baby, I wracked my brains, spoke to other business leaders, and looked at where my anxiety lay.

For a while I kept on telling myself I just need to be stronger, calmer, more mentally fit. The language that can get thrown around the wellbeing industry that actually makes us feel really rather stuck and like everything is our fault, filtered through my mind... "I'm just not visualising it enough' 'I am not good enough on social media' 'My vibration and frequency isn't high enough'.

But in all honesty, I'm just a person. Learning, growing, striving. I do not float about in a meditation haze, untouched by sadness. I recently have had to face more grief and loss. And whether yet more change.

I know change can be a tough one, and it doesn't always sit right with people. But I have spent this week, editing the website to within an inch of it's life, so I can introduce MEMBERSHIPS. Now this is to benefit everyone, so we are leaning into a space of exchange that feels buoyant and great. If you sign up, you pay less, you get access to an online platform full of wonders, you get to book in advance and show up for yourself every month. I know I say it often, but if you practice with sound more frequently the results will be seen.

You may notice, that some new venues are popping up this year. I will be in the Sidney Walter centre from May onwards, I am also in the process of securing a larger space for yoga, classes are getting booked up and looking forwards there might be big changes ahead for myself personally so I'm trying to find spaces that are reliable and where we can all practice together.

You'll spot that I'm defaulting back to yoga class pass and memberships from the end of May onwards, this lends itself to the timetable and membership system, plus you can mix and match and choose the class you want to attend each week or month.

The biggest change, is that everything is done through the timetable. You can view dates and half-day retreats on the website, but you'll need to find these dates on the timetable and book. The system isn't perfect, but it's what we are using for the minute.

There have been some other things going on that I won't get into here. But I hope you feel ready to sign up, to commit to your journey, and also to commit to a small business owner. To thrive we must show up for each other.

I'm reluctant to share this post, I recently had someone message me saying my posts were too honest and I seemed a bit lost... perhaps there was some truth there, but this person went on to give me tips and advice, all well-meaning. But it showed me, how in this industry, it's almost like none of us can witness the difficult parts of life, the messiness, the getting it wrong, trying again, learning and succeeding and failing. I guess I tread this line carefully, sharing yogic wisdom to help everyone feel well, but also mindful of radical compassion and kindness to help people release themselves from the burden of simply being a human in a capitalist society.

So here we go, this year is set for change and evolution for me, who knows where I'll end up, but this feels like the right step forward. I LOVE seeing the same bright faces each week and each month. I love the friendships and connections I make to my clients, but also the connections they make to each other. Providing consistent bookings will also provide a community and space for evolution.

Thank you for listening, showing up, and for being you.

Take good care.



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